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geospatialanalytics:gsa:start [26/05/2024 alle 10:27 (5 mesi fa)] – [News and communications] Luca Pappalardogeospatialanalytics:gsa:start [16/10/2024 alle 10:45 (3 giorni fa)] (versione attuale) – [Calendar] Luca Pappalardo
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-<html> +====== 783AA Geospatial Analytics A.A. 2024/25 ======
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-====== 783AA Geospatial Analytics A.A. 2023/24 ======+
 ===Instructors:=== ===Instructors:===
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 ===== Hours and Rooms ===== ===== Hours and Rooms =====
 ^  Day of Week  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^  ^  Day of Week  ^  Hour  ^  Room  ^ 
-| Thursday   09:00 - 11:00  |  Room Fib M1  |  +| Thursday   14:00 - 16:00  |  Room Fib L1  |  
-| Friday 09:00 - 11:00  |  Room Fib M1  +| Friday 14:00 - 16:00  |  Room Fib C1  
   * Beginning of lectures: 21 September 2023   * Beginning of lectures: 21 September 2023
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 __**The lectures will be only in presence and will NOT be live-streamed**__ __**The lectures will be only in presence and will NOT be live-streamed**__
 ====== News and communications ====== ====== News and communications ======
-  * **APPELLI**: The date of exams are the following (remember to register for the appello in time):  + 
-      * __May, 28th, 2024__, 14:00, room FIB L1 at the Department of Computer Science of University of Pisa +__No lessons__ on October 10 and 11 (because of the evento "Orientamento studenti")
-      * __March, 18th, 2024__, 09:00, room C29 (aula Faedo) at [[ | ISTI-CNR]] +
-      * __February, 2nd, 2024__, 09:00, room C29 (aula Faedo) at [[ | ISTI-CNR]] +
-      * The project should be sent through [[ | this form]] __**five days before the date of the exam**__. +
-  * **Big Mobility Data Analytics workshop**: [[]]. Students interested in submitting a paper to the workshop (possibly out of your exam project), please contact teachers. Deadline for submission January 13 (with possible extension to Jan 20). +
-  * {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:projects_assignment.pdf | Projects assignment }} +
-  * **List of available {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:projects_2023_2024.pdf |projects}}** +
-  * **Temporary fixes for scikit-mobility library**  +
-    * some users of the library might experience issues due to updates in shapely (2.0.0). The quick fix for that is to modify line 635 of file "utils/ the library folderinto "vertices = [list(zip(*p.exterior.xy)) for p in gway.geoms]" -- basically, add a ".geoms"+
-    * the NYC foursquare dataset was recently moved. To use it with the load_dataset() function, you should update the URL to the new one: "url":"". This is currently used by datasets foursquare_nyc and flow_foursquare_nyc +
-    * Both issues above will be soon fixed in the library.+
 ====== Learning goals ====== ====== Learning goals ======
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   * Applications   * Applications
-===== Module 1: Spatial and Mobility Data =====+===== Module 1: Spatial and Mobility Data Analysis =====
   * Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems   * Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems
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 ^ ^ Day  ^ Topic ^ Slides/Code  ^ Material ^ Teacher| ^ ^ Day  ^ Topic ^ Slides/Code  ^ Material ^ Teacher|
-|1. |21.09  09:00-11:00| Introduction to the Course | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:00_-_about_the_course_1_.pdf | About the course}}; **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:01_-_introduction_1_.pdf | Introduction to Geospatial Analytics}}  | **[book chapter]** [[ | Introduction to geographic information systems]], Chapter 1; **[paper]** [[ | Human Mobility: Models and Applications]], Section 1| Pappalardo, Nanni +|1. |19.09  14:00-16:00| Introduction to the Course | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:00_-_about_the_course_24_25.pdf | About the course}}; **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:01_-_introduction_24_25.pdf | Introduction to Geospatial Analytics}}  | **[book chapter]** [[ | Introduction to geographic information systems]], Chapter 1; **[paper]** [[ | Human Mobility: Models and Applications]], Section 1| Pappalardo | 
-|2. |22.09  09:00-11:00| NO LESSON | |  |  | +|2. |20.09  14:00-16:00| Fundamental Concepts (theory)| **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:02_-_fundamental_concepts_24_25.pdf | Fundamental Concepts}} | **[book chapter]** [[ | Introduction to geographic information systems]], Chapter 2 (Coordinate Systems); **[paper]** [[ | A survey of deep learning for human mobility]], Section 2.1, Appendix A; [[ | Essentials of Geographic Information Systems,Chapter 4, Section 4.2 (Vector Data Models)]]; **[video]** [[ | Intro to coordinate systems and UTM projection]] | Pappalardo | 
-|3. |28.09  09:00-11:00| Fundamental Concepts (theory)| **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:02_-_fundamental_concepts.pdf | Fundamental Concepts}} | **[book chapter]** [[ | Introduction to geographic information systems]], Chapter 2 (Coordinate Systems); **[paper]** [[ | A survey of deep learning for human mobility]], Section 2.1, Appendix A; [[ | Essentials of Geographic Information Systems,Chapter 4, Section 4.2 (Vector Data Models)]]; **[video]** [[ | Intro to coordinate systems and UTM projection]] | Pappalardo | +|3. |26.09  14:00-16:00| Fundamental Concepts (practice)| **[code]** [[ | Introduction to shapely, geopandas, folium, and scikit-mobility]] | **[book chapter]** [[ | Automating GIS-processes, Lesson 1 (Shapely and geometric objects)]]; **[article]** [[ | Analyze Geospatial Data in Python: GeoPandas and Shapely]]; **[paper]** [[ | scikit-mobility: a Python library for the Analysis, Generation, and Risk Assessment of Mobility Data]], Sections 1, 2; | Mauro | 
-|4. |29.09  09:00-11:00| Fundamental Concepts (practice)| **[code]** [[ | Introduction to shapely, geopandas, folium, and scikit-mobility]] | **[book chapter]** [[ | Automating GIS-processes, Lesson 1 (Shapely and geometric objects)]]; **[article]** [[ | Analyze Geospatial Data in Python: GeoPandas and Shapely]]; **[paper]** [[ | scikit-mobility: a Python library for the Analysis, Generation, and Risk Assessment of Mobility Data]], Sections 1, 2; | Pappalardo, Mauro | +|4. |27.09  14:00-16:00| Spatial Data Analysis I (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:03_-_spatial_data_analysis_24_25.pdf | Spatial Data Analysis I}} | **[book chapter]** [[ Introduction to geographic information systems]], Sect. 3.1, 3.3, 4.1-, Chapter 11; **[book chapter]** [[ Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis]], Chapter 1113; **[book section]** [[ Encyclopedia of GIS: Geary’s C]] | Nanni | 
-|5. |05.10  09:00-11:00| Geographic and Mobility data (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:03_-_spatial_and_mobility_data_2023.pdf |Geospatial and Mobility data}} | **[paper]** [[ | A survey of deep learning for human mobility ]], Appendix C.1, C.2, C.3; **[paper]** [[ | Evaluation of home detection algorithms on mobile phone data using individual-level ground truth ]], Section 1 "Introduction", Section 2 "Mobile phone datasets"; **[paper]** [[ A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis ]], Section "Introduction"Section "Adding space - geographical networks"; **[paper]** [[,_Data_Drive_Modeling_and_Prediction_.pdf | Urban Human Mobility: Data-Driven Modeling and Prediction]]Section 2.2 "Popular Urban Data"| Nanni | +|5. |03.10  14:00-16:00| Spatial Data Analysis II (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:03bis_-_spatial_data_analysis_24_25_v1.pdf | Spatial Data Analysis II}} | **[book chapter]** [[ Introduction to geographic information systems]], Chapter 15; **[book chapter]** [[ Intro to GIS and Spatial Analysis]], Chapter 14; **[book section]** [[ | Spatial data science for sustainable development]], Tutorial 3 (Spatial Regression); **[paper]** [[ Spatial co-location patterns]], Sect. 3.1; **[paper]** [[ Trend Detection in Spatial Databases ]], Sect. 4 | Nanni | 
-|6. |06.10  09:00-11:00| Geographic and Mobility data (practice) | **[code]** [[ Geospatial and Mobility data in Python]] | **[paper]** [[ | scikit-mobility: a Python library for the AnalysisGenerationand Risk Assessment of Mobility Data]], Section 4 "Plotting"; **[video]** [[ | scikit-mobility data module]]; **[tutorial]** [[| OSMnx: Python for Street Networks]]; **[paper]** [[ | OSMnx: New methods for acquiring, constructing, analyzing, and visualizing complex street networks]]; **[book chapter]** [[ Intro to Python GIS, Retrieving OpenStreetMap data ]]| Nanni | +|6. |04.10  14:00-16:00| Spatial Data Analysis II (practice) | **[code]** [[ Spatial Analysis exercises]]  | [[|PySALPython Spatial Analysis Library]]; [[|Scikit-learn KNeighborsRegressor]]; [[|PyKrige]] | Nanni 
-|7. |12.10  09:00-11:00| Data preprocessing (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:04_-_preprocessing_-_full.pdf |Trajectory preprocessing}} | **[paper]** [[|Review and classification of trajectory summarisation algorithms: From compression to segmentation]]; **[paper]** [[|Algorithms for the reduction of the number of points required to represent a digitized line or its caricature (Douglas-Peucker)]]; **[paper]** [[|A Trajectory Segmentation Map-Matching Approach for Large-Scale, High-Resolution GPS Data]]; **[paper]** [[|Hidden Markov Map Matching Through Noise and Sparseness]] | Nanni | +|7. |17.10  14:00-16:00| Geographic and Mobility data (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:04-_spatial_and_mobility_data.pdf | Geographic and Mobility Data}} | **[paper]** [[ A survey of deep learning for human mobility ]], Appendix C.1, C.2, C.3; **[paper]** [[ Evaluation of home detection algorithms on mobile phone data using individual-level ground truth ]], Section 1 "Introduction", Section 2 "Mobile phone datasets"; **[paper]** [[| A survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis ]], Section 1 "Introduction", Section 3 "Adding space geographical networks"; **[paper]** [[,_Data_Drive_Modeling_and_Prediction_.pdf Urban Human MobilityData-Driven Modeling and Prediction]], Section 2.2 "Popular Urban Data"; Pappalardo 
-|8. |13.10  09:00-11:00| NO LESSON, for atheneum ordinance  |  | |  | +|8. | 18.10 14:00-16:00| Geographic and Mobility data (practice) | | | Cornacchia|  
-|9. | 19.10 09:00-11:00 | Data preprocessing (theory and practice) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:lesson_04-part2_-_preprocessing.pdf | Semantic Enrichment}}, **[code]** [[ Preprocessing Mobility data]] **[paper]** [[|Analysis of human mobility patterns from GPS trajectories and contextual information]]; **[paper]** [[|Using Mobile Positioning Data to Model Locations Meaningful to Users of Mobile Phones]]; **[paper]** [[|Dynamic population mapping using mobile phone data]]; **[paper]** [[|Inferring human activities from GPS tracks]]| Nanni | +|9. | 24.10 14:00-16:00| Data Preprocessing (theory) | | | Pappalardo/Cornacchia|  
-|10. |20.10  09:00-11:00| Alternative Routing (theory and practice) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:05_-_alternative_routing.pdf | Alternative Routing}}; **[code]** [[ Alternative Routing in Python]] | **[paper]** [[ Diversification through Network PenalizationA Washington DC Area Case Study]]; **[paper]** [[ One-Shot Traffic Assignment with Forward-Looking Penalization]]; **[paper]** [[ Comparing Alternative Route Planning Techniques: A Comparative User Study on Melbourne, Dhaka and Copenhagen Road Networks]] | Pappalardo +|10. | 25.10 14:00-16:00| Data Preprocessing (practice) | | | Cornacchia
-|11. |26.10  09:00-11:00| Individual Human Mobility Laws and Models (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:06_-_individual_models.pdf | Individual Mobility Laws and Models}} | **[paper]** [[ The scaling laws of human travel]]; **[paper]** [[ | Understanding individual human mobility patterns]];  **[paper]** [[ | Human Mobility: Models and Applications]], Sections 3.1 and 4; **[paper]** [[ | Returners and Explorers dichotomy in Human Mobility]]; **[paper]** [[ Limits of predictability in human mobility]]; **[paper]** [[ | Modelling the scaling properties of human mobility]]; | Pappalardo | +|12. | 07.11 14:00-16:00| Individual Mobility Patterns (theory) | | | Pappalardo|  
-|12. |27.10  09:00-11:00| Individual Human Mobility Laws and Models (practice)| **[code]**[[ | Mobility laws and models]] | [[ | scikit-mobility documentation: measures]], [[ | scikit-mobility documentation: models]] | Pappalardo, Mauro | +|13. | 08.11 14:00-16:00Individual Mobility Patterns (practice) | | | Cornacchia
-|13. |02.11  09:00-11:00| Mobility Patterns (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:07_-_mobility_patterns_2023.pdf |Mobility Patterns}}  | **[paper]** [[|A Survey on Trajectory Data Management, Analytics, and Learning]], Section 3; **[paper]** [[|Swarm: Mining Relaxed Temporal Moving Object Clusters]]; **[paper]** [[|Computing longest duration flocks in trajectory data]]; **[paper]** [[|Trajectory pattern mining]]; **[paper]** [[|On Discovering Moving Clusters in Spatio-temporal Data]] Nanni +|14. | 14.11 14:00-16:00| Individual and Collective Mobility models (theory) | | | Pappalardo
-|14. |03.11  09:00-11:00| Collective Mobility Laws and Models (theory and practice) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:lesson_08_-_collective_models.pdf Collective mobility laws and models}}  **[paper]** [[ |Human Mobility: Models and Applications, Section 4.2]]; **[paper]** [[|A universal model for mobility and migration patterns]]; **[paper]** [[|Systematic comparison of trip distribution laws and models]]: **[paper]** [[|A Deep Gravity model for mobility flows generation]] | Pappalardo +|15. | 15.11 14:00-16:00| Individual and Collective Mobility models (practice) | | | Pappalardo
-|15. |09.11  09:00-11:00| Spatial segregation models (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:09_-_segregation.pdf Segregation Models}} **[paper]** [[ |Dynamic models of segregation, Schelling]]; **[paper]** [[ |Mobility constraints in segregation models]];   | Mauro +|16. | 28.11 14:00:16:00| Mobility patterns | | | Nanni
-|16. |10.11  09:00-11:00| Spatial segregation models (practice) | **[code]** [[|Implementing the Schelling model with MESA]] **[tutorial]** [[|Introduction to MESA]] | Mauro, Gambetta +|17. | 29.11 14:00:16:00| Next-location prediction | | | Nanni| 
-|17. |16.11  09:00-11:00| Next-Location Prediction (theory) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:10_-_location_prediction.pdf Slides}} [[|HMMlearn library]]; **[paper]** [[|Mobility PredictionA Survey on State-of-the-Art Schemes and Future Applications]]; **[paper]** [[|A Survey on Trajectory-Prediction Methods +|18. | 05.12 14:00:16:00| Guest lecture | | | Di Clemente 
-for Autonomous Driving]], Sections IV and V; **[book chapter]** [[|Speech and Language Processing]], Chapter A - Hidden Markov Models; **[paper]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:mcleod_1996_do_fielders_know_where_to_go_to_catch_the_ball_or_only_how_to_get_there.pdf |Do Fielders Know Where to Go to Catch the Ball...?}} Nanni +|19. | 06.12 14:00:16:00| Alternative Routing | | | Cornacchia |
-|18. |17.11  09:00-11:00| Next-Location Prediction (theory and practice) + Introduction to QGIS (practice) | **[code]** {{ |HMM notebook}} | Nanni, Özge Öztürk +
-|19. |23.11  09:00-11:00| Traffic Simulation with SUMO (theory and practice) | **[slides]** {{ :geospatialanalytics:gsa:11_-_traffic_simulation_with_sumo.pdf Traffic simulation with SUMO}}; **[code]** [[|Traffic simulation with SUMO]] |  | Cornacchia +
-|20. |24.11  09:00-11:00| Traffic Simulation with SUMO (theory and practice) **[code]** [[|Routing on road networks]]  | Cornacchia +
-|21. |30.11  09:00-11:00| Presentation of projects    Pappalardo, Nanni, Cornacchia, Mauro, Gambetta +
-|22. |01.12  9:00-11:00| NO LESSON (Laurea sessions)     +
-|23. |07.12  9:00-11:00| Seminars by PhD students | |  Gambetta, Landi | +
- +
- +
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