====== Visual Analytics (602AA) - Course Semester 2020 ====== * **Salvatore Rinzivillo** ([[rinzivillo@isti.cnr.it]]) ===== Schedule ===== * Monday, 16:00 - 18:00, Aula L1 Polo Fibonacci * Friday, 16:00 - 18:00, Aula C1 Polo Fibonacci ===== News ===== To keep updated with the last news of the course, subscribe at the Telegram channel: https://t.me/va602aa * **[new]** :!: 2020-04-06: The lesson for today April 6th is canceled. Next lesson will be on **Friday, April 17th, 2020** * The class on March 6th is canceled. The next lesson on Monday, March 9th from 16 to 18 will be kept on the group on **Microsoft Teams**. Please check that you have access to the platform. For any problem, please refer to the following instructions: https://www.unipi.it/index.php/docenti2/item/17671-corsi-online. * The new edition is starting on Monday 17th February 2020 at 16:00 in Aula L1 ===== Exams ===== Students will be admitted to the exam after the registration on the website [[http://esami.unipi.it]]. The exam consist of a discussion of the project. It is mandatory to submit a short report (6-10 pages) within the deadline by mail to instructor, specifying the tag "[VA]" in the subject. Planned dates: * 2020-06-15: project discussion (send your report+code by June 11th) * 2020-07-06: project discussion (send your report+code by July 2nd) * 2020-07-27: project discussion (send your report+code by July 23rd) * **2020-09-07**: project discussion (send your report+code by September 3rd) ==== Project assignment ==== * A project should have the following requirements: * The application should contain several visual widgets, each providing insights on a selection of dimensions of the original data * It is possible to use state-of-the-art charts (bar charts, line charts, etc.) and libraries (plot.ly, nvd3, etc). It is a plus to implement a novel, original visualization to present the data in a creative, non-trivial way. (see examples on Vast Challenge 2008 developed in class). You can refer to visualization techniques already present in the literature, by adapting or implementing part of the solution. * Interactivity should be implemented, providing toolbars, selections, and filters for the data. * The visual widget should interact among them, realizing a set of linked displays to browse the data across multiple dimensions * The project should be submitted as a Git repository * The project report should be submitted 4 days before the discussion and should discuss at least the following points: * Description of data and presentation of the pattern or model to communicate * design choices: colors, interactions, shapes, transformations) * state-of-art: similar tools or interfaces for the same problem * Detailed description of the visualization with a description of the interaction * use case example for an analytical task The student may choose one of the following project proposals. She/he can also propose an additional topic. In this case, a project proposal should be submitted for approval, containing a description of the data, a sketch of the possible visualization and the motivation for the project. === VAST Challenge 2019 :!: **new**=== The project assignment for the exam consists of the realization of a web application addressing data and mini-challenges presented for the VAST challenge 2019 (https://vast-challenge.github.io/2019/index.html). === Geological data visualization === This project has the objective of creating a visual dashboard to explore and browse geographical and geological data. This is a joint project with the IGG institute of CNR. Data available for the project can not be shared publicly. If interested, send me an email to fix a meeting to discuss more in detail. ===== Class Calendar ===== All exercises and code discussed during each lesson are available as a Git repository at: https://github.com/va602aa-2020 A collection of Observable Notebooks are available at: https://observablehq.com/collection/@rinziv/va602aa Recordings of lessons on Microsoft Teams are accessible here: https://web.microsoftstream.com/channel/a6b5e3aa-623d-435e-8601-419537901839 \\ Follow the channel to be updated when new videos are published. | ^ Day ^ Aula ^ Topic ^ Learning material ^ ^01| 2020/02/17 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Intro: Visual Analytics Process; | {{ :magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson1_introcourse.pdf |Slides}} ; VisMaster Book (Chapter 2) | ^ 02 | 2020/02/21 16:00-18:00 | C1 | Node.js, NPM, Vue.js, GIT | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson2_nodejs_npm_git.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 03 | 2020/02/24 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Vision, Perception and effective visualization | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson3_vision_perception.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 04 | 2020/02/28 16:00-18:00 | C1 | Introduction to HTML, CSS, Javascript | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson4_html_css_js.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 05 | 2020/03/02 16:00-18:00 | L1 | Perception Laws, Chart Taxonomy, DO and Don't examples | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson5_doanddonts.pdf| Slides}} | ^ | 2020/03/06 16:00-18:00 | C1 | No lesson | | ^ 06 | 2020/03/09 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Color models and Color Schemes | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson6_colors.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 07 | 2020/03/13 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Intro to SVG | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson7_svg.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 08 | 2020/03/16 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Scales | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson8_scales.pdf|Slides}} | ^ 09 | 2020/03/20 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Intro to D3.js | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson9_d3js_intro.pdf|Slides}}; {{https://observablehq.com/@rinziv/introduction-to-d3-js?collection=@rinziv/va602aa|Observable Collection}} | ^ 10 | 2020/03/23 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Data loading and transformation | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson10_data_handling.pdf|Slides}}; {{https://observablehq.com/@rinziv/introduction-to-d3-js?collection=@rinziv/va602aa|Observable Collection}} | ^ 11 | 2020/03/27 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Reusable D3.js components | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_Lesson11_reusable_modules.pdf|Slides}}; {{https://observablehq.com/@rinziv/first-d3-js-visualization|Observable Notebook}} | ^ 12 | 2020/03/30 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Visualizing Hierarchical Data |{{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:va_lesson12_hierarchies.pdf |Slides}} | ^ 13 | 2020/04/03 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | VAST project introduction and project assignment | {{:magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:VA_lesson13_project_vast2008.pdf|Slides}}; {{https://vast-challenge.github.io/2019/| VASt 2019 webpage}} | ^ | 2020/04/06 16:00-18:00 | --- | No Lesson | | ^ | 2020/04/10 16:00-18:00 | --- | No Lesson | | ^ | 2020/04/13 16:00-18:00 | --- | No Lesson | | ^ 14 | 2020/04/17 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Recap of Web technologies. Starting a new project with the class | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2020/FirstVueProject|GitHub Repository}} | ^ 15 | 2020/04/20 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Geographic data | {{https://observablehq.com/@rinziv/geographic-data|Observable Notebook}}; {{ :magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:va_lesson14_geography.pdf | Slides}} | ^ 16 | 2020/04/24 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Continuing project with the class | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2020/FirstVueProject|GitHub Repository}} | ^ | 2020/04/27 16:00-18:00 | --- | No Lesson | | ^ 17 | 2020/05/04 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Geographic data (continued) | {{https://observablehq.com/@rinziv/geographic-data|Observable Notebook}}; {{ :magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:va_lesson14_geography.pdf | Slides}} | ^ 18 | 2020/05/08 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Class Project: Vast Challenge 2008 - MC2 | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2019/vc2008Vue|GitHub Repository}} | ^ 19 | 2020/05/11 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Visual Storytelling | {{ :magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:2020:va_lesson19_storytelling.pdf |Slides}} | ^ 20 | 2020/05/15 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Class Project: Vast Challenge 2008 - MC2 | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2019/vc2008Vue|GitHub Repository}} | ^ 21 | 2020/05/18 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Class Project: Vast Challenge 2008 - MC2 | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2019/vc2008Vue|GitHub Repository}} | ^ 21 | 2020/05/22 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Class Project: Vast Challenge 2008 - MC2 | {{https://github.com/va602aa-2019/vc2008Vue|GitHub Repository}} | ^ 22 | 2020/05/25 16:00-18:00 | MS Teams | Questions and Answers Session | | ===== GITHub repository ===== All source code of exercises are available at the URL: https://github.com/va602aa-2020 ===== Previous Editions ===== * [[magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:Course2019]] * [[magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:Course2018]] * [[magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:Course2017]] * [[magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:Course2016]] * [[magistraleinformaticaeconomia:va:Course2015]]