
Complementi di piattaforme abilitanti distribuite

Teacher: Nicola Tonellotto

Question time: Please contact the teacher

Tuesday 11:30-13:30 Room 10B
Wednesday 16:00-18:00 Room 10B
Friday 9:30-11:30 Room 10B

Teaching rooms: Room 10B, S.Anna/CNIT building in CNR Research Area, ground floor.
For this first year, the course is co-organized with Strumenti di programmazione per sistemi paralleli e distribuiti taught by Dr. Massimo Coppola


24/02: Grid Computing (I) Slides Student Notes

25/02: Grid Computing (II) Slides Student Notes

09/03: Grid Computing (III) Slides Student Notes

10/03: Grid Computing (IV) Slides Student Notes

19/03: Grid Computing (V) Slides Student Notes

23/03: MapReduce: the programming model Slides Student Notes

24/03: Distributed File Systems: GFS and HDFS Slides Student Notes

26/03: Lab Notes Data

13/04: Lab Notes Data

14/04: Lab Problem Solution (1/4)

04/05: Lab Solution (2/4)

05/05: Lab Solution (3/4) Solution (4/4)

07/05: Autonomic Computing Slides Student Notes

11/05: Scheduling Slides Student Notes

12/05: Scheduling SlidesStudent Notes
