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magistraleinformaticanetworking:cpa:start [29/09/2016 alle 09:17 (8 anni fa)] – [Lectures] Nicola Tonellottomagistraleinformaticanetworking:cpa:start [14/02/2021 alle 01:53 (4 anni fa)] (versione attuale) Patrizio Dazzi
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 ====== Piattaforme Abilitanti Distribuite ====== ====== Piattaforme Abilitanti Distribuite ======
 +==== 2020-2021 Edition ====
 {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:cpa:grid-small.jpg?450 }} {{ :magistraleinformaticanetworking:cpa:grid-small.jpg?450 }}
-**Teacher**: //[[|Nicola Tonellotto]]//+**Teacher**: //[[|Patrizio Dazzi]]//
-**Question time**: Please contact the teacher+**Question time**: Please contact the lecturer
 ** Schedule **:  ** Schedule **: 
-^Thursday 9-11  |Room L1 +^Monday 11-12:45 |Online (Teams) 
-^Friday   | 11-13 |Room C1 |    +^Tuesday | 11-12:45 |Online (Teams) |   
-^Backup   | 16-18 |Room C40|+
-** Teaching rooms **:\\ +==== Additional details on the Classroom page of the course ==== 
-Room L1, Polo Fibonacci, first floor.\\ +Classroom code5goxjrn
-Room C1, Polo Fibonacci, first floor.\\ +
-Room C40, ISTI-CNR, Door 19/20, first floor\\+
 +[[Past editions]]
-===== Lectures ===== 
-22/09. Introduction to the course, Logistics. Large-scale problems: status and perspectives.\\ 
-23/09. Data storage architectures: read-only (search engines), read-write (datastores). Grid computing: elements, definition, architecture, protocols and hourglass model. ([[|slides]])\\ 
-29/09. Grid computing: security, resource management, information management, data management. Architectural models, real-world Grids, Globus Toolkit. ([[|slides]])\\ 
-===== Bibliography ===== 
-**//Study Notes//** 
-  - I. Foster, C. Kesselman, “The Grid 2: Blueprint for a New Computing Infrastructure”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2003. Chapters 4 and 21. 
-  - K. Hwang, G. C. Fox, J. Dongarra, “Distributed and Cloud Computing”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Inc., 2012. Chapter 7. 
-**//Reading Assignments//** 
-  - IBM Redbooks, Introduction to Grid Computing, 2003. [[]] 
-**//Study Notes//** 
-  - [[|NIST Cloud Computing Reference Architecture]] 
-  - [[|Cloud Computing and Grid Computing 360-Degree Compared]] 
-**//Reading Assignments//** 
-  - [[|Above the Clouds: A Berkeley View of Cloud Computing]] 
-  - [[|Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility]] 
-**Map Reduce** 
-**//Study Notes//** 
-  - [[|Map-Reduce and the New Software Stack]] 
-  - [[|Data-Intensive Text Processing with Map Reduce]] 
-**//Reading Assignments//** 
-  - [[|MapReduce: Simplified Data Processing on Large Clusters]] 
-  - [[|The Google File System]] 
-  - [[|Apapche Hadoop. The scalability update]] 
-  - [[| HDFS Scalability: the limits to growth]] 
-  - [[|An Overview of Virtual Machine Architectures]] 
-  - [[|A Comparison of Software and Hardware Techniques for x86 Virtualization]] 
-  - [[|QEMU, a fast and portable dynamic translator]] 
-===== External Links ===== 
-  - [[|The Globus Toolkit Homepage]] 
-  - [[|The Hadoop Homepage]] 
-  - [[|The Yahoo! Hadoop Tutorial Homepage]] 
magistraleinformaticanetworking/cpa/start.1475140649.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 29/09/2016 alle 09:17 (8 anni fa) da Nicola Tonellotto

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