=====Journal of Lessons, SPD year 2011-2012==== ====Journal==== * 19/09/2011 ** Introduction to the course** --- ** MPI lesson 1 ** * 20/09/2011 ** MPI lesson 2 ** --- * 21/09/2011 ** MPI lesson 3 ** --- * 26-30/09/2011 ** __No lesson and no question time__ ** * 3/10/2011 ** MPI lesson 4 ** --- * 4/10/2011 moved * 5/10/2011 ** MPI lesson 5 ** --- * 6/10/2011 moved * 7/10/2011 ** MPI lab 1 ** * 10/10/2011 //lesson canceled// * 12/10/2011 ** MPI lesson 6 ** --- Collective communication, introduction; BCAST, BARRIER, GATHER. Extent and size manipulation for user-derived datatypes; interaction with point-to-point and collectives (recap of the definition, MPI_GET_EXTENT, MPI_CREATE_TYPE_RESIZED, MPI_GET_TRUE_EXTENT). * 13/10/2011 ** MPI lab 2 ** * 14/10/2011 * 17-21/2011 ** __No lesson and no question time__ ** * 24/10/2011 ** TBB ** --- Introduction to the Thread Building Blocks Library. History, current programming models (parallel patterns and C++ generics, task generation and scheduling over threads), examples of basic parallel patterns (parallel for, reduce), examples of concurrency-aware containers (hashmaps, vectors, queues) and related issues, concurrency control via mutex objects. * 26/10/2011 ** MPI lab 3 ** * 27/10/2011 ** MPI lab 4 ** * 28/10/2011 To be confirmed * 31/10/2011 ** KDD and Data Mining Algorithms ** --- the K-means algorithm as a parallelization example. MPI parallelization. * 7/11/2011 ** MPI lab 5 ** * 9/11/2011 ** MPI lab 6 ** * 10/11/2011 ** MPI lab 7 ** * 14/11/2011 ** Grid to Cloud Computing ** --- Survey of the Grid Computing paradigm. Key ideas, research and implementation issues. The concept of middleware; main functions Grid middleware has to provide. Limits of the approach as it was carried on: scalability, lack of a compelling business model. Differences with respect to Cloud Computing: HW Virtualization, consequences on the business models of Providers and users; reversal of the administration burden, everything-as-a-service metaphor : IaaS, PaaS, SaaS levels. Dinamicity and elasticity as a primary requirement. HPC orientation vs Service Orientation. * 16/11/2011 ** Grid to Cloud Computing ** XtreemOS (1) * 17/11/2011 ** Grid to Cloud Computing ** XtreemOS (2) * 21/11/2011 * 23/11/2011 ** Cloud Computing ** Cloud Federations - Contrail (1) * 24/11/2011 ** Cloud Computing ** Cloud Federations - Contrail (2) * 28/11/2011 ** Assist part 1 ** * 30/11/2011 ** No lesson ** * 1/12/2011 ** No lesson ** * 5/12/2011 ** Assist Part 2 ** * 6/12/2011 To be confirmed * 7/12/2011 * 9/12/2011 To be confirmed * 12/12/2011 * 13/12/2011 To be confirmed * 14/12/2011 * 15/12/2011 ====Slides, Notes and References to papers==== ^ Date ^ Slides ^ Student notes ^ Other information | | 19-20/9/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd-11-12-intro.pdf|Course Intro}} \\ {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson1.pdf|MPI part 1}} | |Relevant Material from MPI standard:\\ Chapter 1: have a look at it;\\ Chapter 2: sec. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.6, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.7, 2.8;\\ Chapter 3: sec. 3.1, 3.2.3, 3.4; 3.5, (skim through 3.7). | | 20-21/9/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson2.pdf|MPI part 2}} | | Chapter 3: sec. 3.2, 3.3; Chapter 4: all paragraphs related to mentioned datatypes | | 3/10/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson3.pdf|MPI part 3}} | | Chapter 3: sec. 3.5, 3.6 (3.6.1 can be skipped), \\ 3.7, 3.11 (persistent comm.s and sendRecv are 3.9, 3.10) \\ Chapter 4: sec. 4.1 – to 4.1.2, (skip 4.1.3, 4.1.4), 4.1.9 – 4.1.11 | | 5-7/10/2011\\ 13/10/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-mpi-lesson4.pdf| MPI Part 4 + Lab 1,2}} | | Chapter 6: up to 6.5 (skip intercommunicators) | | 12/10/2011 | //MPI part 5// | | | | 9/11/2011 | //MPI part 6// | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-k-means-code.tgz|K-means sequential code}} {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd11-12-dhillon-modha-corretto_parkmeans.ps|Articolo Dhillon/Modha su parallel k-means}} | | | 14/11/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:spd10-11-grids_to_clouds.pdf|Grid and Cloud Introductory Slides}} | | [[http://www.globus.org/alliance/publications/papers/anatomy.pdf|Foster, Kesselman, Tuecke, The Anatomy of the Grid]]\\ [[http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1851542|Craig Lee, A perspective on scientific cloud computing - HPDC2010]]\\ [[http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/ssai/docs/cloud-report-final.pdf|“The Future Of Cloud Computing” – report of EU expert group]] | | 16-17/11/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:xtreemos-intro.pdf|XtreemOS slides}} | |See paper [[http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/MIC.2008.47|Virtual Organization Support within a Grid-Wide Operating System]] | | 28/11/2011 | {{:magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:assist-2010.part1.pdf|Slides about ASSIST, part I}} | |[[magistraleinformaticanetworking:spd:ASSISTexamples|Assist coding examples]] |