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Journal of Lessons, SPD year 2012-2013


  • 24/09/2012 Introduction to the course MPI lesson 1, part A
  • 27/09/2012 MPI lesson 1, part B — Basic concepts.
  • 1/10/2012 MPI lesson 2 — Datatypes
  • 4/10/2012 lesson moved to Friday 5/10
  • 5/10/2012 MPI lesson 2 part B — Communication Modes, Non-blocking point-to-point.
  • 9/10/2012 MPI lab (1) — see exercise slides.
  • 12/10/2012 MPI lesson 3 — Communicators and groups. Collective Communications, part 1.
  • 16/10/2012 lesson moved to Monday 12/11 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 19/10/2012 MPI Lesson 4 and 5 — Collective Communications, part 2.
  • 23/10/2012 lesson moved to Monday 03/12 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 26/10/2012 lesson moved to Monday 26/11 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 30/10/2012 to be updated
  • 02/11/2012 Parallel K-means to be updated
  • 09/11/2012 Introduction to the Thread Building Blocks Library
  • 12/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18
  • 13/11/2012 lesson moved to Monday 10/12 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 16/11/2012 Parallel K-Means, introduction to General purpose GPU programming (GPGPU)
  • 19/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18 Lesson canceled, see NEWS.
  • 20/11/2012 MPI lab (2)
  • 23/11/2012 The Assist Structured Parallel Programming Environment
  • 26/11/2012 Additional Lesson, N1 Room 16-18 – Porting FastFlow on the Tilera multicore
  • 27/11/2012 lesson moved to Monday 27/12 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 30/11/2012 lesson moved to Monday 27/12 – rescheduled due to work constraints
  • 3/12/2012 Additional lesson Room H 16-18 The lab was reserved from 14-18 though. MPI lab time.
  • 04/12/2012 Canceled for illness
  • 07/12/2012 Discussion on project assignment
  • 10/12/2012 Additional lesson Room L, time slot 16-18

Tentative schedule of future lessons
  • 11/12/2012
  • 14/12/2012
  • 17/12/2012 Additional Lesson, Lab Room, time slot I 15-18
  • 18/12/2012

Slides, Notes and References to papers

Date Slides Notes Other information
Course Intro
MPI part 1
Relevant Material from MPI standard:
Chapter 1: have a look at it;
Chapter 2: sec. 2.3, 2.4, 2.5.1, 2.5.4, 2.5.6, 2.6.3, 2.6.4, 2.7, 2.8;
Chapter 3: sec. 3.1, 3.2.3, 3.4; 3.5, (skim through 3.7).
The introduction slides are new, the MPI slides are from last year
MPI part 2 Chapter 3: sec. 3.2, 3.3; Chapter 4: all paragraphs related to mentioned datatypes
05/10/12 MPI part 3 Chapter 3: sec. 3.5, 3.6 (3.6.1 can be skipped),
3.7, 3.11 (persistent comm.s and sendRecv are 3.9, 3.10)
Chapter 4: sec. 4.1 – to 4.1.2, (skip 4.1.3, 4.1.4), 4.1.9 – 4.1.11
9/10/12 MPI hands on MPI lab hands-on, Exercises 1 and 2
12/10/12 MPI part 4
MPI part 5
Groups and Communicators: Chapter 6 up to 6.5 (skip intercommunicators)
Collective Communications (part 1) Chapter 5 (beginning)
30/10/12 TBA
02/11/12 TBA K-means sequential code See the Dhillon/Modha paper on the main page.
9/11/12 TBB intro
16/11/12 GPGPU introduction
23/11/12 Slides on ASSIST The slides cover more than the lesson, including topics which part of the SPM course, and are reported here for the sake of completeness
magistraleinformaticanetworking/spd/lezioni12.13.1355103657.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 10/12/2012 alle 01:40 (12 anni fa) da Massimo Coppola

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