===== Collection of code (Academic Year 2012/2013) ===== === Lesson: April 11, 2013 === * [[spm1213_c_omp_map|Code]] for map and stencil with OpenMP * [[spm1213_c_ff_map1|Code]] of a map implemented using a FastFlow farm (Matrix Multiplication code) * [[spm1213_c_ff_map|Map]] defined in FastFlow * [[spm1213_c_ff_mapcuda|Map]] targeting GPU with CUDA (trivial, draft code) === Lesson: April 16, 2013 === * [[spm1213_c_ff_false_sharing_fs2|Code]] for the map with false sharing * [[spm1213_c_ff_false_sharing_fs3|Code]] for the map without false sharing === Lesson: April 22, 2013 === * [[spm1213_c_omp_load_balancing|Code]] testing OpenMP schedule strategies (compile with -DSCHED=xxx xxx in {static, dynamic, guided}) * [[spm1213_c_ff_load_balancing|Code]] used to compare FastFlow === Lesson: April 23, 2013 === * FastFlow [[spm1213_c_ff_load_balancing_chunk|Code]] computing the unbalanced map in chunks * SKEPU sample code * [[spm1213_c_skepu_containers|Containers]] * [[spm1213_c_skepu_map|Map]] * [[spm1213_c_skepu_reduce|Reduce]] === Lesson: April 29, 2013 === * FastFlow [[spm1213_c_ff_with_skepu|code]] using SkePu to implement a map === Lesson: April 30, 2013 === * OpenMP code relative to map fusion [[spm1213_c_omp_fused|Map fused]] and [[spm1213_c_omp_unfused|unfused]] version * FastFlow [[spm1213_c_ff_mixskepumap|code]] mixing sequential farm workers and skepu workers computing the same map