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mds:txa:start [08/08/2024 alle 12:38 (7 settimane fa)] Salvatore Ruggierimds:txa:start [08/08/2024 alle 12:41 (7 settimane fa)] (versione attuale) – versione precedente ripristinata (20/12/2022 alle 09:37 (20 mesi fa)) Salvatore Ruggieri
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-====== Text Analytics (635AA) A.Y. 2023/24 ======+====== Text Analytics (635AA) A.Y. 2022/23 ======
 ==== Teacher ==== ==== Teacher ====
-[[|Laura Pollacci]] (laura.pollacci [at] di [dot] unipi [dot] it)+[[|Lucia Passaro]] (lucia.passaro [at] unipi [dot] it)
-Office hours: +Office hours: Monday 16-18 via [[|Teams]]
Linea 12: Linea 12:
 ^ Day ^ Hour ^ Room ^  ^ Day ^ Hour ^ Room ^ 
-Thursday 16-18 | Fib C1 |+Monday 9-11 | Fib M1 |
 | Friday| 11-13 | Fib M1 | | Friday| 11-13 | Fib M1 |
-[[|Team of the class]]+[[|Team of the class]]
 ==== Objectives ==== ==== Objectives ====
Linea 41: Linea 41:
   * Transfer learning   * Transfer learning
   * Quantification   * Quantification
 ==== Lecture Notes ==== ==== Lecture Notes ====
 ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Slides ^ Material / Reference ^ ^ Date ^ Lecture ^ Slides ^ Material / Reference ^
-2023/09/21 | Introduction to the course, NLP & Text Analytics. | [[| 1 - Introduction to the Text Analytics course]]|J. Eisenstein. Introduction to Natural Language Processing. MIT Press.[[| Chp. 1]].| +2022/09/16 | Introduction to the course, NLP & Text Analytics. | [[| 1 - Introduction to the Text Analytics course]]|J. Eisenstein. Introduction to Natural Language Processing. MIT Press.[[| Chp. 1]].| 
-2023/09/22 | Reminds on probability. | [[| 2 - Reminds on probability]]| +2022/09/19 | Reminds on Probability. Language and Probability. | [[| 2 - Reminds on Probability]]
-2023/09/28 | Introduction to Python. | [[| 3 - Introduction to Python]]| [[ | L3 Introduction_to_Python.ipynb]] | +2022/09/23 | Introduction to Python.| [[| 3 - Introduction to Python]]|[[|Introduction to Python Notebook.]]| 
-2023/09/29 | Introduction to Python - part 2. Project and Dates | [[| 4 - Project and Dates]]|  +2022/09/30 | Introduction to Python (continued). Project Presentation and Important Dates| [[|Project and Dates]]
-2023/10/05 | Probabilistic language models| [[|5 - Probabilistic language models]]| D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. [[|Ch3]] [[|L5 Probabilistic Language Model.ipynb]] | +2022/10/03 | Probabilistic Language Models. | [[| 5 - Probabilistic Language models]]|D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.[[ 3]][[| Probabilistic Language Models - Notebook]].
-2023/10/06| Text Indexding: Strings, Regular Expressions and BS4. | [[| 6 - Text indexing 1]] | D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. [[|Ch2]]  [[|L6.1 - Strings Regular expressions and BS4.ipynb]]| +2022/10/07 | Text Indexding: Strings, Regular Expressions and BS4. | [[| 6 - Text Indexing-1]]|D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.[[| Chp. 2]][[| StringsRegular Expressions and BS4 - Notebook]].
-2023/10/12| Linguistic annotation. NLTK. | [[| 6 - Text Indexing 2]]|[[|L6.2 - Linguistic annotation with NLTK.ipynb]] | +2022/10/10 Text Indexding: Linguistic annotation. NLTK. | [[| 6 - Text Indexing-2]]|[[| Linguistic annotation with NLTK - Notebook]].
-|2023/10/13//Lesson canceled due to UNIPI orientation days.//| +2022/10/14 Text Indexding: Collocations with Gensim. stanza. spacy. Feature selection. | [[| 6 - Text Indexing-3]]|[[| L6.3.4 - collocations - stanza - spacy - Notebooks]].
-|2023/10/19| Feature Selection| [[|6 - Text Indexing 3]] | [[ |L6.3 - Gensim collocations - Stanza Spacy (Notebooks)]] | +2022/10/17 Text Indexding: Vector space models| [[| 6 - Text Indexing-4]]|D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.[[| Chp. 6]][[| L6.- Vector space model - toy example - Notebook]].
-|2023/10/20| Vector space models | [[|6 - Text Indexing 4]] | D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. [[|Chp. 6.]] [[|L6.- Vector space model - toy example]]| +2022/10/21 | Machine Learning for Text Analytics. | [[| 10 - Machine Learning for Text Analytics]]
-|2023/10/26| //Lesson canceled//+2022/10/24 Student project presentationsproposal, brainstorming, discussion| |  
-|2023/10/27| //Lesson canceled//+| 2022/10/28 | Student project presentations: proposal, brainstorming, discussion. | |   
-|2023/11/02| Machine Learning for Text Analytics. | [[| 10 - Machine Learning for Text Analytics]] - corrected+| 2022/11/04 | Machine Learning for Text AnalyticsExperiments and Practice. | [[ Experiments]]| [[| Classification sklearn - Notebook.]]| 
-|2023/11/03Machine Learning for Text AnalyticsDesign Experimental Protocols. Student presentations: How to. | [[ - Design Experimental Protocols]]. [[ Student presentations: How to]] | [[ L.11 - Classification with SkLearn]] | +2022/11/07 | Topic Modeling| [[ - Topic modeling]]| Zhai and Massung (2016) Text Data Management and Analysis. [[| Chp 17]].[[| Topic Modeling - Notebooks.]]
-|2023/11/09| Student project presentations: proposal, brainstorming, discussion. | +| 2022/11/11 | A primer on Neural Networks[[|15 A Primer on Neural Networks]]|  
-|2023/11/10| Student project presentations: proposal, brainstorming, discussion. | +2022/11/14 | A primer on Neural Networks (continued). Practice.| | [[ SVM to NN, Classification with Keras Notebooks.]]| 
-|2023/11/16| Topic Modeling | [[|12 - Topic Modeling]] | Zhai and Massung (2016) Text Data Management and Analysis. [[|Chp 17]]. [[ |L.12 -Topic Modeling - Notebook.]]. [[|L.12.1 Topic Modeling pyLDAvis - Notebook]]| +2022/11/18 | Neural Language Models. Word2vec | [[ - Neural Language Models-1]]|[[|Word2vec with Gensim Notebook.]]| 
-|2023/11/17| A primer on Neural Networks |[[ |13 A primer on Neural Networks]] | +2022/11/21 | Neural Language Models. Doc2vec. Transformer. BERT. | [[ - Neural Language Models-2]]|D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. Chps. [[|7]] [[|9]][[|11]].[[|Doc2vec with Gensim Notebook.]]
-|2023/11/23|Neural Networks | [[ 14 - Neural Networks]] | [[ SVM to NN, Classification with Keras Notebooks.]] | +| 2022/11/25 | Seminar (Alessandro Bondielli). Evaluating strategies for Automatic Profiling of Résumés.| |[[|A case study.]] | 
-|2023/11/24| Neural Language Models | [[ - Neural Language Models]]| D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. Chps. [[|7]] [[|9]] [[|11]] +2022/12/02 | Student project presentations: ongoing experiments. Discussion. | |  
-|2023/11/30| Student project presentations: ongoing experimentsNeural Language Models Practice | [[|16 Neural Language Models Word2Vec]]| [[ |Word2vec - Notebook.]]| +2022/12/05 Student project presentationsongoing experimentsDiscussion. | |  
-|2023/12/01| Student project presentations: ongoing experiments. Neural Language Models Practice | [[|17 - Neural Language Models Doc2Vec]]|[[|Doc2Vec - Notebook]]+2022/12/09 Fine-tuning BERT. Advanced applications (Conversational Agents, Affective Computing).| [[ Advanced applications]]| [[|BERT finetune - Notebooks]]. Recommended chapters: D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin.[[|20]];[[|24]].| 
-|2023/12/07Neural Language Models - part 2 |[[|Neural Language Models - part 2]]+ 
-|2023/12/11| BERT. Project Submission |[[ Bert]]. [[|Project Submission]]| [[|Bert - Notebooks]] +
-|2023/12/14| Advanced Topics | [[ |20 - Advanced Topics]]| Recommended chapters: D. Jurafsky, J.H. Martin. [[|20]];[[|24]].| +
 ==== Exam ==== ==== Exam ====
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 ==== Previous editions ==== ==== Previous editions ====
-  * [[|2022-2023]] 
   * [[|2021-2022]]   * [[|2021-2022]]
   * [[|2020-2021]]   * [[|2020-2021]]
mds/txa/start.txt · Ultima modifica: 08/08/2024 alle 12:41 (7 settimane fa) da Salvatore Ruggieri

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