Strumenti Utente

Strumenti Sito


SPM Laboratory - A.Y. 2015/2016

Machine name and access

The machine is not registered on the DNS, you should use the IP address

  •, corresponding to the registered name

You should request the account to the SPM teacher sending an email with

  • Body: name, family name enrollement number and either CS or MCSN in case you are enrolled in Computer Science or in Computer Science and Networking

Once you have the account (will be an “spm15XX”) you may access the host with the Xeon PHI board by

  • ssh spm15XX@

You should change the password you received by email at first login issuing a command passwd at the shell prompt.


Please take into account the homes on are not subject to backup. Keep a local copy of whatever (source) files you are using on the machine. In case of problems I'll not be able to recover any of the home files.

Take into account that you may edit files on your machine and just compile and run them on the remote (host or PHI). What you can do is to have a local directory hosting the source files, may be develop and debug using local IDE (such as Eclipse or Visual Studio), then synchronize the files using the rsync command and execute commands on remote host via ssh commands from the shell prompt.

If you need further info concerning the procedure don't hesitate to ask me during question time or by email.

List of assigned accounts

Account Student Status Project Framework Exam
spm1501 Teacher (tool verify and project tests) ok TBD
spm1502 Marco Loddo ok
spm1503 Stefano Forti ok GOL Java Passed
spm1504 Federico Soave ok
spm1505 Davide Neri ok Stream cluster Passed
spm1506 Mattia Lacroce ok MDF FastFlow
spm1507 Lapo Frati ok GOL FastFlow
spm1508 Diego Alejandro Parra Guzman ok
spm1509 Tsinu Assefa ok NQ Skandium
spm1510 Luca Rinaldi ok MDF Passed
spm1511 Diogo Rodrigues ok NQ Passed
spm1512 Andrea Tesei ok
spm1513 Federico Conte ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1514 Leonardo Gazzarri ok GOL FastFlow
spm1515 Menelaos Ralli ok GOL Java/Skandium Passed
spm1516 Alessandro Conticelli ok
spm1517 Antonio Nicoletti ok NQ FastFlow Passed
spm1518 Yuliya Dzevik ok NQ Skandium
spm1519 Maziar Sedghisaray ok
spm1520 Francesco Crecchi ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1521 Giovanni Palmitesta ok NQ FastFlow
spm1522 Paolo Cifariello ok GOL Skandium
spm1523 Biruk Bekele Legamo ok
spm1524 Tommaso Catuogno ok Python*
spm1525 Temesgen T. Lamesa ok GOL Skandium
spm1526 Stefano Ceccotti ok Python*
spm1527 Francesco Scarlato ok MDF Passed
spm1528 Carmelo Ienco ok Passed
spm1529 Flaviano Di Rienzo ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1531 Cosimo Ragusa ok NQ FastFlow Passed
spm1532 Ahmed Mohiuddin ok NQ FastFlow
spm1533 Bici Stella ok NQ FastFlow Passed
spm1534 Thomas Fiorenzani ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1535 Giampiero Di Paolo ok GOL FastFlow
spm1537 Gabriele Benvenuti ok Leucocyte (Rodinia) FastFLow
spm1538 Francesco Desogus ok NQ FastFlow Passed
spm1539 Gabriele Marini ok GOL Java Passed
spm1540 Antonio Bruno ok NQ Passed
spm1541 Luigi Caiazza ok page ranking FastFlow
spm1542 Donati Giacomo ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1543 Stefano Loriga ok K-means FastFlow Passed
spm1544 Elia Porciani ok GOL FastFlow Passed
spm1545 Gaia Adami ok GOL Passed
spm1546 Daniele Castellana ok
spm1547 Andrea Maggiordomo ok MDF FastFlow
spm1548 Russo Stefano ok GOL FF

Accessing FastFlow and sample Code/Classworks

The correct version of FastFlow to use for the course is actually replicated under


and the exercises and material relative to the classworks are under


In case you want to access directly these directories under your own home directory, you may create symbolic links to the two directories by issuing commands such as:

    link -s /home/spm1501/fastflow .
    link -s /home/spm1501/public .

that will leave two new subdirectories (link) in the current directory.

Extra tools

All the non standard tools (or the versions newer than the ones provided in the standard distribution) are available under the directory



Oracle JDK 1.8 has been installed under /home/spm1501/public directory. Set up the PATH to the bin directory and please avoid to make local copies of it in your local home directory. Both compiler and run time have been installed. This only works on the host, it does not work on the Xeon PHI.

Compiling and running code on the PHI

In order to be able to use the tools, you have to run the script in

  • /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64 that will set up the proper compiler and library paths. I suggest you to make the execution of the script automatic by inserting the call to the script in the .bashrc configuration file of your home directory (add a line such as /opt/intel/composerxe/bin/ intel64 at the end of this file)

In order to run a program on PHI:

  1. compile it on the host using icc with the additional flag -mmic
  2. copy the executable to the mic0 or mic1 with a scp a.out mic0:
  3. execute it on the mic: **ssh mic0 ./a.out

Please take into account that a minimal set of libraries is available on the mic.


There are a few things to take into account when using FastFlow on PHI:

  • please take into account that you need to include the flag

    when compiling FastFlow programs, as the default mapping at the moment assumes a core numbering such as the one used for Sandy/Ivy Bridge (0 first context of the first core, 1 first context of the second core …) processors, which is different from the one used on PHI (0 first context of the first core, 1 second context of the first core …).

  • always use the compile flag

    to compile FastFlow code

  • use the FastFlow version in

    that is use the compile time flag

    -I /home/spm1501/fastflow

MIC0 and MIC1

You can use both the accelerators available on the machine (namely MIC0 and MIC1), despite the fact the examples in this page alway use mic0 …


Available documentation on the Xeon PHI and the relative programming tools may be accessed at the Intel Xeon PHI Developer Zone

More documentation

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